How to Determine the Best Time to Dispose of IT Equipment [Ask the Engineer]

Ask the Engineer

杰克Kauter - Head shot
杰克Kauter Published: April 11, 2022

杰克Kauter and Park Place Technologies ITAD Practice Director, Chris Menninger, discuss how technology leaders can determine the optimal time to dispose of IT equipment, and how many assets to retain.


杰克: Hi there, 杰克Kauter, Park Place Technologies here and welcome back to Ask the Engineer. For this week’s question I’m joined by Chris Menninger, Director of ITAD for Professional
十大赌博正规老平台 at Park Place. How we doing Chris?

克里斯: I’m great Jack how are you?

How to Determine the Best Time to Dispose of IT Assets

杰克: I’m very well thank you. Chris, the question I have for you is regarding disposal of assets. Given the supply chain constraints, how do I determine the best time to dispose of my current IT assets?

克里斯: That’s a great and very relevant question Jack. What we’re seeing right now is 客户 struggling with the pricing in the market being as good as it’s ever been versus the supply chain constraints they’re experiencing in terms of getting new equipment.

Consider IT Sparing Needs

What we’re telling people is to look at what they have. Look at your environment, determine if you do in fact have enough sparing to keep going and sell what you can, because you’re going to get a premium return on your investment.

如果你不知道, then you need to hold on to that equipment because it is very, very much constrained today.

杰克: In part of your answer there Chris, you mentioned sparing. How does one determine if they have enough sparing?

How to Calculate IT Sparing Needs

克里斯: What we generally recommend is to look into your environment and determine approximately 10% of what your environment looks like and hold that for spares. It’s probably a little higher on the network side simply because the network is an even more constrained area right now, given all of the manufacturing constraints that the big network manufacturers like Cisco are seeing; they’re running almost a year behind right now.

杰克: 谢谢你,克里斯. Great response to a topical question that we so often hear. I’m sure that will help a lot of our viewers out there.

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杰克Kauter - Head shot

About the Author

As an Online Marketing and Analytics Manager, Jack is responsible for Digital Marketing initiatives with a primary focus on EMEA and APAC. His responsibilities extend to supporting the Sales team, orchestrating campaigns, generating leads and more.