使用NetFlow vs. SNMP for Network Monitoring [问工程师]


杰克Kauter - Head shot
杰克Kauter Published: March 09, 2022

杰克Kauter and Park Place Technologies engineer, John Diamond, discuss using NetFlow vs. SNMP for network monitoring, and the merits of each protocol.

SNMP vs. NetFlow Video Script

The following script breaks down the difference between these two common types of network management protocol.

杰克: Hello everyone, I’m 杰克Kauter at Park Place Technologies and welcome to 问工程师. Joining us this week is Senior Solutions Architect, John Diamond. 欢迎你,约翰.

约翰: Great to see you, Jack.

Deciding Between SNMP and NetFlow

杰克: John, this week’s question is about monitoring protocol options. 具体地说, what are the key issues a business should consider when deciding between SNMP and NetFlow when monitoring their network.


约翰: 嗯,从根本上说, SNMP是一种协议 that allows you to understand what the equipment you’re monitoring is. How it’s configured (using different SNMP版本), and then from a resource utilization standpoint, it will give you indications of how much processor and memory resources are being used, and at the interface level, not only their level of utilization, or percentage bandwidth utilization, but also the number of packet corruption and discards that you have that gives you a richer understanding of the good and the bad nature of the traffic.

杰克: Sure, and what about NetFlow?

How Does NetFlow Work?

约翰: Well, NetFlow really adds the other half of the equation. NetFlow allows you to understand the nature of the traffic flowing through the interfaces on the devices. It’ll give you an idea of the top conversations, 应用程序组合, and where you’ve got an overloaded interface. It will allow you to work out whether all of that traffic is legitimate, or whether some of it possibly could be offloaded elsewhere on the network.

杰克: Very interesting, and John, would you say there’s a business case for both?

Using NetFlow and SNMP Together

约翰: 哦,绝对. Without both, you’re really only seeing half of the picture. 使用SNMP, you’re seeing the full resource utilization dimension of the device, both physical resources and also bandwidth utilization resources, and also errors on the interfaces. With NetFlow, you’re getting an indication of the nature of the traffic. 但, 不要忘记, it only tells you about the good traffic; It doesn’t tell you about the problems, and it won’t tell you about the resource utilization of the devices. So, they really do go hand in hand.

杰克: Thanks John, great insight and a brilliant comparison. If anyone has any follow-up questions, or different questions that you’d like to ask our engineer, please comment below this video, and we’ll see you next time on 问工程师.


Contact Park Place today to learn how our enterprise network monitoring software can help improve the visibility of your network, enabling more strategic management!

杰克Kauter - Head shot


As an Online Marketing and Analytics Manager, Jack is responsible for Digital Marketing initiatives with a primary focus on EMEA and APAC. His responsibilities extend to supporting the Sales team, orchestrating campaigns, generating leads and more.