Ensono Case Study: Entuity delivers as Ensono advances its business


From management to innovation, ensoo与Entuity合作,提供十大赌博正规老平台管理功能,为客户推动业务成功

近五十年来,ensoo一直在帮助组织推进其IT计划. 当谈到作为it十大赌博正规老平台管理平台的杰出守护者赢得客户的信任时, Ensono’s technology expertise plays a large part. Evidence of this is that even before the cloud was being talked about, ensoo为其全球客户群开拓了领先的云创新,为所有行业提供解决方案和十大赌博正规老平台. Ensono是一家了解新世界数字经济以及可靠和卓越终端用户体验价值的十大赌博正规老平台提供商.


  • 2,000 global associates
  • 200 +的客户

Network 管理 Software:

  • Entuity Network Analytics


  • BMC TrueSight Operations

With the advent of digital transformation, services being delivered to end-users are changing at breakneck speeds. To enable their clients to respond to rising end-user expectations, Ensono realized that operational efficiency, 简化的网络监控和在管理下快速添加新设备的能力对于构建满足这些需求所需的网络和十大赌博正规老平台性能至关重要.

如何减少这些数字化成长烦恼的影响,并最终改善终端用户体验对Ensono及其客户来说非常重要. ensoo希望快速跟踪他们的网络监控策略,使他们的十大赌博正规老平台管理和客户端性能成为关键的差异化因素. The fact was, Ensono had plenty of management tools, too many. 这是工具过载. They were using disparate tools that were expensive to support and, 在某些情况下, 不可靠的, not to mention tedious to monitor on multiple consoles. 这种方法使得管理ensoo客户业务所需的现代it十大赌博正规老平台变得困难.

已经确定多种工具并不是管理各种复杂网络的最有效方法, Ensono focused on combining their tool sets.
“Consolidation is huge for us as is the reliability of tools,” states Sean O’Brien,
Senior Manager – Enterprise Solutions for Monitoring at Ensono. “Some tools would go down a lot. So, 你必须不断地监控这个工具并让它重新上线——这给我的团队带来了更多的工作.” After a rigorous evaluation of several network management products, Entuity Network Analytics was selected as it met Ensono’s top prerequisites:

  • an all-in-one network management functionality that replaced disparate tools
  • seamlessly integrated into their BMC TrueSight AIOps platform
  • was reliable in its performance uptime
  • could quickly integrate new technologies
  • provided a robust multitenancy architecture.


Continuously adding new technologies for a complete network picture
在评估过程中,很明显,网络管理产品并不都是一样的,有些没有有效地管理新技术. 例如, the Nexus switch was not covered in a few products and according to O’Brien, “Entuity花了一些扎实的思考和开发来理解在Nexus产品中管理什么是必要的,以便能够主动识别开关问题. 他们在处理市场上的一些新技术方面做得非常出色.” Incorporating new technologies is vital when it comes to managing today’s networks.

“Entuity花了一些扎实的思考和开发来理解在Nexus产品中管理什么是必要的,以便能够主动识别开关问题. 他们在处理市场上的一些新技术方面做得非常出色.”
– Sean O’Brien, Senior Manager – Enterprise Solutions for Monitoring, Ensono

Multitenancy empowers clients with transparency
作为十大赌博正规老平台提供商,处理多租户的能力对ensoo来说非常重要. “It’s a transparency thing. 我们需要允许客户端A登录到监控控制台并查看我们所看到的内容. 我们需要能够做到这一点,而不会让他们不小心看到客户B。”奥布莱恩说. Entuity’s multitenancy architecture allows specific, customized privileges to segment their clients’ access. ensoo的客户端门户为客户提供了一种强大的方式来查看来自BMC和Entuity等多个来源的发票及其监控数据. This consolidated client portal offers a single point of entry into their Ensono data. 利用Entuity的多租户架构提供个性化的按需访问,增加了客户端/ ensoo的透明度, client loyalty and add-on capabilities/revenue opportunities. ensoo努力建立亲密的客户关系,让他们了解他们的网络目前的运行情况,并主动建议哪些地方需要增强或新的十大赌博正规老平台来促进未来的增长.

Consolidation of management tools drives efficiency and accuracy
简化监控工具帮助ensoo降低管理复杂性的一种方法是通过一种改进的方式来监控WAN电路. They can now reduce the number of SNMP trap destinations required from 7 IPs to 2 IPs, allowing Ensono to deliver all the services necessary for this type of management. 这里最大的变化是,ensoo只需要一个控制台来管理它,而不是最初使用的五个控制台. 更低的复杂性和更好的管理可见性使ensoo能够更有效地工作,并在异常成为问题之前发现异常. 同样的, having all the network interdependencies found under one umbrella, analytics such as historical traffic patterns, capacity analytics are easy to generate and use for IT planning purposes.

A powerful combination: Entuity, BMC and Ensono
ensoo利用BMC TrueSight AIOps平台,将网络监控集成到反映其端到端管理生态系统的更大画面中非常重要. “Literally after 15 minutes of work, 我们将Entuity完全集成到我们的BMC环境中,并向我们的NOC开放门票,奥布莱恩说。. entity Network Analytics无缝地包含在BMC仪表板中,使其只需单击一下即可说明网络如何影响应用程序. “通过将entity数据自动上卷到我们的BMC TrueSight平台,可以实现真正的单一事件可见性, analytics and processing.”

随着时间的推移,Entuity Network Analytics将继续以精简的方式减少ensoo管理网络的时间和相关成本, 自动化解决方案. O ' brien揭示了, “我们开始看到Entuity经常发现和管理思科Nexus FEC模块等问题,并自动打开问题单. These were challenging with some of our other tools. 现在我们可以在这些类型的问题导致中断之前解决它们——这比快速解决要好得多. It is true proactive outage prevention.” In addition to automation, Entuity的分析广度增加了一层历史数据,帮助ensoo理解, 评估并解决导致网络或应用程序问题的潜在原因. 所有这些都为Ensono可靠地推出新十大赌博正规老平台和更快地响应客户需求奠定了基础. Ensono is looking forward to its partnership with Entuity. “我们的ensoo团队已经向Entuity推荐了一些我们需要的功能, and we quickly received patches to accommodate these requirements,奥勃良说. This close collaboration will accelerate network efficiency, 在追求卓越和创新的同时,Ensono的客户满意度也保持在较高水平.

“我们开始看到Entuity经常发现和管理思科Nexus FEC模块等问题,并自动打开问题单. These were challenging with some of our other tools.”
– Sean O’Brien, Senior Manager – Enterprise Solutions for Monitoring, Ensono

Embracing the digital worldview, Entuity provides digital network analytics for the changing enterprise. 我们的高度自动化, 统一, enterprise-class solution puts deep network insight at your fingertips, frees IT staff to focus on strategic projects, and easily integrates with major framework environments. Entuity’s support and services teams are frequently praised for their rapid response, networking expertise and involvement in special engagements.